About Gyn Cancers

The website links below provide excellent starting points to learning more about gynecologic cancers.  Please share this resource list with all the women you care about!

The Foundation for Women's Cancer is the leading organization focused solely on gynecologic cancer.  It has an excellent summary page on How To Maintain Your Gynecologic Health and how to LEARN-LISTEN-ACT to early warning signs.  A printable PDF brochure is also available to download.

The Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO) is the leading professional organization for Gynecologic Oncologists.  Their website has patient-focused summaries of each type of gynecologic cancer, as well as resources for survivors and caregivers.  Most importantly, they also have a search tool to find a gynecologic oncologist near you.  Studies have shown that women treated by gynecologic oncologists for their cancer surgery and treatment have better outcomes and fewer complications.

The CDC has good basic introductory information on gynecologic cancers including various downloadable PDF brochures and a high-level symptoms chart of some (but not all) of the most common early-warning signs.

One of the most comprehensive and authoritative resources on the web for all cancers can be found at the NIH National Cancer Institute's Cancer.gov website. Via this gateway link, the NCI provides a wealth of detailed information and statistics on each kind of gynecologic cancer for both patients and physicians.

The American Cancer Society's Cancer.org website also has good patient-level general information on each gynecologic cancer.  Start on this page to find your particular cancer of interest to drill down into easy-to-read overviews of symptoms, statistics, treatments, and links for further information.

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