This chart is a summary of various high-level risk factors published by the sources noted as of 2015. Since many gynecologic cancer risks are shared by breast cancer, those risk factors are included here as well.
Click the image below to view it larger. Or, use the following links to download the full-sized JPG image or PDF file.
A common misperception is that gynecologic cancers are "silent killers" with undetectable symptoms. Not true! This CDC Symptoms Chart is an excellent quick-reference to the most prominent early-warning symptoms:
Additionally, the Foundation for Women's Cancer offers a great PDF document of more detailed symptoms and an online resource to "Learn, Listen & Act" to maintain your gynecologic health.
Listen to your body. You likely may not experience pain when cancer is in its initial stages, but rather, more subtle minor annoyances. If any new symptom lasts more than 2 weeks, contact your gynecologist.
Be persistent until an explanation is thorough and satisfactory. This is particularly critical for ovarian cancer symptoms (which can be very difficult to properly diagnose early).
You are your own (and sometimes your only) best advocate!
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